Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Guliani Lobbing for Oxy?

Rudy, Rudy, Rudy! What were you thinking?

According to the Washington Post, Guliani Partners was hired to lobby for Michael Friedman, one of three executives at Purdue Pharma who plead guilty to charges of misbranding OxyContin as being less addictive than doctors suspected.

Friedman plead guilty. In his sworn statement before the court, he claimed that he knew he had the opportunity of a trial, but chose instead to plead guilty because he agreed with the government's assertion that he was responsible for the company and it's behavior.

Why would Guliani then, make calls to the DEA, the courts, and whoever else would listen, as he defended Purdue? Why would Rudy defend someone who signed an agreement admitting that the company they were responsible for had gone bad?

The government says I'm a bad guy. I agree with them. All I need to do is call Rudy, and with a few calls, my admission of a crime results in no sentence.

Granted, the guys at Purdue wound up paying tons O' cash to the government, but I really doubt it will ultimately come out of their own pockets (can you say: Help me Sackler!!!).

The problem with Rudy, is the problem with Purdue, is the problem with this entire country. We'll all trade our integrity for cold, hard, cash any day.

The finest lubricant known to man has a picture of Benjamin Franklin on it.


sam94 said...

I know what you are going through. I am trying to get clean from oxy's. Check out my blog at;www.lifeasasam.blogspot.com
good luck,

Unknown said...

Oxycodone Side Effects

Bornna said...

"Due to my chronic back pain my Dr. Had prescribed Oxycontin, until it became difficult for me to obtain that medicine. Luckily an old Army buddy of mine told me about www.PainClinicColombia.com Now my treatment is the way it should be, according to his opinion. Dr. Aluma, thanks so much.

About this Blog

For the past ten years I have been writing about my experience using oxycodone, the active ingredient in OxyContin, Percocet, and other prescription painkillers. I eventually developed a tolerance, then dependence, and became addicted. My archive covers my abuse of these drugs and my effors to quit using them.

I have tried to accurately report my experience without a sense of advocacy. It is my hope that you'll be able to make your own conclusions, as well as find my story factual, informative, and interesting.